
miércoles, 27 de enero de 2010

Study visit at "Carmelo Cortés" school

Last Tuesday 26th we had a study visit at school. The participants of this visit were:
-Petra Trukatova, from Poland.
-Alicja Szyszkowiak, from Poland.
-Catherine Bretremieux, from France (Normandie).
-Dorte Fristrup, from Denmark.

These four nice visitors, all related in different ways to English ways to English teaching, had the opportunity to visit all the classes, to communicate briefly in English with some of our students, to share educative experiencies with some teachers and the main objective of this study visit: to know in detail about our teaching methods and activities in both the Bilingual and Comenius Project we are carrying out at school.
Certainly a great educative experiencie for all of us!

El pasado 26 de enero, nuestro colegio recibió la visita de una comitiva de profesores de diferentes paises:
-Petra Trukatova, de República Checa.
-Alicia Szyszkowiak, de Polonia.
-Catherine Bretremieux, de Francia.
-Dorte Fristrup, de Dinamarca.

Todos ellos tuvieron la opotunidad de ver los metodos de aprendizaje que estamos llevando a cabo en nuestro colegio enmarcadas dentro de los programas "comenius" y "secciones europeas". Así, visitaron todas las aulas, vieron las producciones hechas por los alumnos/-as e intercambiaron opiniones con nuestros profesores.
Efectivamente: una rica experiencia educativa que "nos abre a europa"